Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Hot Date with a the OR...

Two days after my last blog entry about being submitted to the insurance for approval, I received a call from my caseworker at the surgeon's office that I was officially approved to have the surgery. That sure didn't take long!

Yesterday was my follow up with the surgeon to go over my test results from all of the pre-op tests and assessments that I had to endure. I think waiting the 2.5 hours in the waiting room just to wait my turn was the most painful part (and I was 20 mins EARLY for my appointment)! He said that my test results all look good and that I appear to be in good shape physically, mentally, and emotionally to have the surgery. He said my risks of complications appear slim given my age and test results. My only orders are to try and lose 5-10 pounds before surgery with the "liver reduction diet" - similar to the SlimFast plan - 2 high protein shakes a day and a "sensible" dinner. I had to laugh when he said that, he sounded just like the commercial for SlimFast! The only difference is, I won't be drinking SlimFast shakes, I will be drinking high protein shakes that they sell there or they gave me a few "over the counter" options to try. I think I will start next week, maybe I can drop a few pounds before going on vacation the first week of August. I sure am not going to worry about it on vacation, except maybe to have a shake in the morning. I'm not much of a breakfast person anyway.

So with that, my "date" with the surgeon in the operating room is Monday August 29th. I have to be at the hospital at 5:00am to get ready and be prepped for surgery at 7:30am. The surgery should last about 1.5 hours and I will be in the hospital probably 2 nights, maybe 3. I am hoping for only 2 nights, though! I am definitely praying for a smooth surgery and recovery. Since I don't get paid for being out of work, I am hoping 1 week off and 1 week working from home will be all I need so I don't lose more time (and money). And afterwards, comes the weight loss...and I will be truly on my way to a healthier, and thus happier, me!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another Step Closer

I received a call from the surgeon's office today and they confirmed that all of the reports are in and that they have prepared and submitted the paperwork to my insurance to get approved for the surgery. The review and approval process, they said, usually takes 1-2 weeks. So I should have a definite approval in the next couple of weeks. Then comes setting up the next appointment with the surgeon and setting the date!

Last Friday I got my CPAP machine. It sure is a nifty, high-tech contraption! I have been using it for 4 nights now and I do feel a difference. Today is not a great example because at some point last night, the breathing mask came apart and I just set it to the side. I don't remember doing this and I have no idea how long I slept without it, so I am more tired today than I have been the last couple of days. I am still getting used to it, but it does seem to be helping a little bit. I can't wait until my husband gets his set up to wear, too. I hate feeling like I'm the only alien in the house! Much to my disappointment, the technician who set up my machine for me told me that only 18-20% of bariatric patients ever go completely off of the CPAP machine. That is a very depressing statistic, but I am praying hard that I am one of those 18-20%! But in the end, if I sleep better and have a better attitude because of it, I will be a happier, more active person and that will make it worthwhile!

On another note, my friend and inspiration, Ginger, is now down to a size 6! I am thrilled for her! I pray that I have the will to be as strong and as consistent as she has been in this process!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Coming into the Home Stretch

I have officially completed ALL of my pre-op testing/assessments! Woo hoo! Today was the psychological assessment so the doctors can make sure I'm not going to "flip out" after I'm all skinny and stuff. The main thing the psychologist looks for is to make sure it's being done for the right reasons, that you understand the changes - physical and mental - that come with the dramatic weight loss , and to make sure you are mentally ready to be compliant with the new way of eating and living after surgery. Seems I "passed" with flying colors and the psychologist announced she will recommend me as a good candidate, psychologically, for surgery.

As for the meeting, it was very interesting and enlightening. We talked about my fears of life after surgery and also what my hopes and goals were. The main thing I said I was afraid of is the weight loss causing a change in my relationship with my husband. She seemed very supportive of the fact that he and I are going through this together, so we will be able to be supportive of each other's struggles since we will be enduring them together. Still, knowing that the ex-wife walked out 3 years after her surgery (I know, ironic, right?), I am determined to make sure that this does not happen to our marriage. This family does not need to go through something like that again. My hope is that our relationship will grow deeper and more meaningful in ways that we are unaware of yet. All in all, I feel pretty good about taking this step in my life and I am looking forward to getting back to doing things I truly enjoy, but have had to stop doing because I just can't anymore. At 36 years young, I should NOT be saying that and I don't want to lose anymore of my life than I already have!

Last weekend I also completed my second sleep study to get fitted for the CPAP. I should be getting word on that this week...and have my CPAP machine soon. I'm not looking forward to using it, but if it will help me sleep better and feel better, I'm willing to give it a shot! Hopefully once the weight starts coming off, I will not need it anymore and I can return to my sexy sleeping self! :)

So where do we go from here? Well, the next step is to set up my follow up appointment with the surgeon. He will go over all of the results with me from all of the testing I've been through and his office will submit the paperwork to the insurance company to have my surgery approved. Then, we set the date. So we're not quite in the home stretch...but we're getting there and I get a little more excited and a little more nervous each day. But I'm looking forward to life in the long run after surgery!