Well, it's down to the last 2 appointments before my case is submitted to the insurance company for approval of the surgery. I had my sleep study a little over a week ago and found out that I have moderate-severe sleep apnea. So I get to go back and spend the night in the sleep lab again so they can fit me for a CPAP machine. Just what I wanted, to sleep hooked up to a CPAP! Just another reason for me to go through with the surgery. Then, in 2 weeks, I have my final appointment - the psychological evaluation. I am thinking I will have the surgery date set by the end of June.
But...to get on with insecurities. I knew that after this surgery I would not look the same. Not only would I be thinner, but I would have to deal with the flabbiness (a nice way to put it) that also follows. The closer I get to having the surgery, I am starting to prepare myself mentally for what is to come after and I'm realizing that my insecurities aren't going to go away, they will just be different. Right now I'm insecure about being fat. After, I will be insecure about the "leftovers" after the weight is gone. I will have to come to terms with this somehow because plastic surgery just isn't an option, at least not for several years.
I am also starting to pay more attention to food labels so I can start looking at things that will be safe for me to eat after surgery. I think the first month is going to be the hardest, I will need a lot of prayer to get through it!
This is a big step to take and it sounds like you are preparing well. I think the blog is a great way to journal and get support from your friends.